date: 08/08/2024
mood: autistic
music: Nightcore!
Hello world! Today I redesigned this website, recoded the way blog posts are handled, automated recolors of the website depending on my pfp, optimized the CSS for mobile, and added a home page! In this blog post I will go over in next to no details what I've done lol First things first, the blog posts. After a while writing in a very very fucking filled up HTML documents with ALL my blog posts in there, I decided to just, write a js script to be able to have every post be its own document, yet appear on this page. Using jquery, I write my post in a seperate html document, with only the code needed for this post, and then, I fetch the document from the folder it resides in, and it appears on this page! Pretty clever eh? Also, yes mobile CSS, its not hard but I hate doing it, so I did that. What else, I fucking uh yeah redesigned this a little bit, its neater I find. automated recolors are just handled via pywal, a global css documents contain all the color information and the color vars are given to the fucking rest of this website, and yeah. Also started working on the gallery , though it may take me a few days before I'm done with it. Other than that, the first big change of my website is done, I did this shit in like 4 hours its not too bad but im usually lazy so xD ANYWAY SEE YAAAAAAA :3c